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Jillian interviewed fifty people from the general public about beauty. During this time, she developed the structure and understanding of the project while connecting with her community. It was a meaningful and impactful experience exploring her own relationship to beauty and listening to others! (Click image to view beauty statements.)

The Damage That Has Been Done

A word dance, at the Santa Cruz, Ca Momentum Mid-Year Showing 2017.


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To each human I have had the privilege of connecting with this past year, Thank you so much for giving me a little glimpse into the way you perceive beauty in our world, and how you see yourself as beautiful. Each one of these Beauty Statements hold a sense of enchantment and a sense of expression that each of you shared so graciously. Through this collaboration we’ve created a human telephone, a spider web effect. You had your experience, you shared it with me creating another experience.You’ve MOVED me. You’ve TOUCHED me. You’ve INSPIRED me. YOU truly have helped me transform my insecurities and fears into my magical powers, for this I am forever grateful.

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